Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mendikbud Serahkan 10 Juta Dollar AS ke UNESCO

Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayasan merealisasikan sumbangan 10 juta dollar AS untuk UNESCO. Penyerahan sumbangan disampaikan langsung oleh Mendikbud Mohammad Nuh di sela-sela sidang Executive Board UNESCO di Paris.

Penyerahan ditandai dengan penandatanganan pemberian sumbangan bersama Direktur Jenderal UNESCO Irina Bokova.

Sukemi, Staf Ahli Komunikasi Mendikbud, Senin (5/2/2012), menjelaskan, sumbangan 10 juta dollar AS tersebut dibagi dalam dua termin penyerahan. Penyerahan pertama sebesar 6 juta dollar AS untuk kepentingan emergency fund yang dimaksudkan untuk menutupi kekurangan dana UNESCO yang cukup besar.

Termin kedua dari komitmen 10 juta dollar AS akan disampaikan tahun 2013 dikhususkan sebagai dana bagi fund-in-trust, di mana pengelolaan dananya dilakukan secara bersama antara Kemendikbud dan UNESCO, termasuk program-program yang akan didanai.

Adapun emergency fund, pengelolaannya diserahkan sepenuhnya pada UNESCO.

Keputusan Kemendikbud ini untuk mendukung keuangan UNESCO. Akibat masuknya Palestina sebagai anggota UNESCO, Amerika Serikat dan Israel menarik sumbangannya ke UNESCO.

Konsekuensinya, UNESCO kekurangan dana 72 juta dollar AS. Untuk menutupi kekurangan dana ini, selain melakukan efisiensi dan prioritasisasi program, UNESCO aktif melakukan penggalangan dana, melalui emergency fund.

Mendikbud dalam sambutannya memberi usulan agar sumbangan itu dimaksudkan untuk membiayai kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu untuk negara-negara di wilayah ASEAN, Afrika, dan Palestina.


Mendikbud: Tentang RUU Perguruan Tinggi

Selain membahas Pendidikan Menengah Universal, dalam rapat koordinasi (rakor) yang dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) bersama sejumlah kementerian terkait turut mengangkat pembuatan Rancangan Undang-Undang Perguruan Tinggi (RUU PT).

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) M Nuh mengemukakan, saat ini RUU PT masih dalam tahap pengujian publik. Namun, pemerintah merasa ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembuatan RUU PT tersebut.

Pertama, kata M Nuh, DPR mengusulkan anggaran untuk penelitian 2,5 persen dari anggaran fungsi pendidikan.

"Pemerintah tentu keberatan. Alasannya sederhana, anggaran fungsi pendidikan bukan hanya untuk pendidikan tinggi, tapi mulai dari PAUD hingga perguruan tinggi. kalau mengambil prosentase sebesar itu berarti pendidikan tinggi mengambil jatah adik-adik di bawahnya," kata M Nuh di Kemendikbud, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (6/3/2012).

Sementara, hal kedua yang dikritisi dalam RUU PT adalah pelaksanaan pendidikan tinggi oleh sejumlah Kementerian. Padahal sudah ada sistem pendidikan nasional yang berada dalam naungan Kemendikbud.

"Salah satu yang krusial pendidikan tinggi di bawah naungan Kementerian Agama (Kemenag), seperti UIN. Amanatnya untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan keagamaan, tapi di lapangan juga membuka pendidikan umum," ujar M Nuh di Kemendikbud, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (6/3/2012).

Menurut M Nuh, Kemendikbud bukan membatasi agama untuk diterapkan dalam pendidikan umum. Tapi yang menjadi masalah adalah pengelola pendidikan tinggi tersebut.

"Kembali ke tupoksi utama masing-masing kementerian. Kalau kementeriaan lain, di luar Kemendikbud ingin menyelenggarakan pendidikan, maka pendidikan tersebut berupa kedinasan atau profesi yg khas di bidang masing-masing," ujar mantan Rektor Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya tersebut.

Hal ketiga yang turut menjadi perhatian dalam RUU PT adalah mengenai akses untuk memperoleh pendidikan bagi seluruh masyarakat.

"Akses masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan harus diperkuat. Tidak hanya dalam PP 66 mengenai 20 persen harus berasal dari warga tidak mampu, maka akan diperkuat dengan UU," tuturnya.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Government Ask Community Watch School Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of thousands of classrooms by the government are in need of community support.

"The support in the form of supervision for the implementation on target, and its benefits can be felt directly by the people," said Minister of National Education after laying the first stone of a national movement rehabilitation of primary and junior, at SDN 01 Babakan Madang, Sentul West Java, on Monday (3 / 10) .

Minister Nuh rate, business education is not just a government responsibility alone. "It is a major facility-class space has been provided, but there's another facility that has not been completed."

Minister Nuh said, students still need libraries and laboratories to support their learning. "Enterprises can create a library here, so that we jointly own and maintain this school," he said.

This year, the total budget for the rehabilitation of schools reached Rp2, 8 trillion. The rest, is budgeted in the 2012 draft budget as much as Rp18 trillion. A total of Rp 10 trillion in antarnya Kemdiknas budgeted from the fund, and Rp 8 trillion through a special allocation fund (DAK) to be transferred to the regions. "The total overall budget (2011 and 2012) is Rp20, 8 trillion," said Minister of Nuh.

Rehabilitation of thousands of schools and classrooms is aided Indonesian Army (TNI). There's even a special monitoring system by the government and the military. "We work closely with the TNI have an information system S curve," he said.

The curve S is a system of supervision carried out in sequence from the center to the regions. Through this S curve, can be known how much the construction executed. This S curve will coordinate the center to the provinces, and provinces to the districts / cities. "We can know the position where, how the mobilization of troops and material, without having to jump directly to the field" said Minister of Nuh.

In terms of budget, Members of the House of Representatives Commission X Jefri Riwu Kore convey, the Council has a responsibility to check whether funds are budgeted to rehabilitate thousands of classrooms is on target or not. There is a concern of the individuals who deliberately use the existing budget for personal gain.

Therefore, Jefri appealed to the community participate in supervising the construction of new classrooms. "People watch the flow of funds for the rehabilitation of these schools, so that the best service for our students can form a maximum," he said.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Program Dokter Plus Starts This Year

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih deliver, from 2011 in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, it will hold program plus physician. That is, general practitioners provided additional skills. This program, he said, especially to begin in eastern Indonesia such as East Nusa Tenggara.

It together with Kemdiknas also plans to add educational specialists. "Now, specialists can only be educated in public universities or government. We want to be a good private universities were allowed to educate medical specialists," he said on the Socialization of Priority Programme 2011 in the Office of People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Jakarta, Tuesday ( 01/04/2011).

On that occasion, the Minister of Education Mohammad Nuh describes five priorities for the ministry budget for 2011. First, to increase access and quality of early childhood education (ECD) Rp1, 3 trillion. Second, the completion of nine years of basic education Rp7, 2 trillion and Rp26 trillion is transferred to the regions. Third, improving the quality of vocational education Rp2, 4 trillion. The fourth priority is the accelerated increase in teachers' academic qualifications to S1/D4, pilot certification and teacher education profession Rp8 trillion, and the fifth priority of increasing the number of lecturers S3 acceleration Rp2 trillion.

The minister said, gross enrollment rate (GER) ECD is currently 54%. This figure rose to 72% targeted in 2014. "Every year is estimated to rise 10-15 percent," he said. Kemdiknas also allocated a budget of Rp160 billion. for the construction of a sports school in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The Minister of Social Affairs Segaf Salim Al Jufri deliver, at the end of 2011 the Province of Jakarta Commons is targeted street children. He mentioned, there are currently 8,000 street children in Jakarta. "The challenge is not easy to change the character of a child who is accustomed free then transferred to the institution of school," he said.

Meanwhile, Religious Affairs Minister Surya Dharma Ali deliver, the ministry program in 2011 is to improve the accessibility of education in religious education and religious environment, as well as make efforts to ease the burden of education for students as well as in other religious educational institutions. "We also encourage local governments to realize a free education from primary school until the madrasa madrasah aliyah," he said.

When their turn to speak at the event, Head of the Food and Drug Administration Kustantinah convey, it works with the National Education Kemeterian snack supervise school children. He revealed that last year conducted sample tests on school children for snack food all over Indonesia. The result, from 3,000 sample contained 45.36% snacks that contain ingredients that are not allowed in food such as dyes, borax, and formaldehyde. "For that it is strengthening partnerships with relevant ministries is needed," he said.

The Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono convey, achievements in 2010 in terms of the 2010/2011 Global Competitiveness Index Indonesia rose from positions 54 to 44. The position on Vietnam and India. Then the Human Development Index (HDI) increased from 111 to 108, with a target at position 100. While the number of poor people declined 13.3 percent in March 2010, from 16.7 percent in 2004. "Now is the nominal amount of about 31.5 million of 237.5 million people the results of Census 2010," he said.


60 Percent More Funds Transferred to Local Education

Of the total Revenue Expenditure Budget (APBN) 2011 Rp1.229 trillion, a total of Rp248 trillion (20.2%) allocated to the budget function of education. Of this amount, Rp158 trillion of which is transferred to the regions.

"Sixty percent of education funds transferred to the regions," said Minister of National Education (Education Minister) Mohammad Nuh Socialization Priority Programme 2011 in the Office of People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Jakarta, Tuesday (01/04/2011).

Minister of Education to submit, as much as Rp89 trillion budget allocated to education functions of central government. Minister of Education detailing, from the central budget as much as Rp55 trillion to Kemdiknas, Rp27 trillion to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and Rp6, 8 trillion for the ministry / other agencies. "There are 18 ministries that have the authority to perform educational functions. Therefore, the budget also deployed," he said.

The allocation of national education development fund as much as Rp1 trillion. The total budget has reached Rp2 trillion cumulative 2010 and 2011. "This so-called education endowment fund," said Minister of Noah.

Kemdiknas Rp55 trillion from the budget was mainly used for basic education programs Rp12, 7 trillion (23%), secondary education Rp5 trillion (9.1%), and higher education Rp28, 8 trillion (51.9%). "Budget Directorate General of Higher Education, including non-tax revenues (State Revenue) is included, making it very big," he said.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bahasa Indonesia For Foreign Speakers


Since 2000, Language Centre, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, has organized activities for teaching Indonesian foreign speakers. This activity is maintained in regular classes and special classes. Regular classes held regularly every semester. Meanwhile, special classes held for two weeks or according to the needs of learners.

BIPA organizing teaching activities based on consideration that in a global era, Indonesian position in the international arena is increasingly important and potential. Indonesian potentials were supported by Indonesia's geographical position is located in very strategic marine traffic, potential natural resources, and Indonesia's unique cultural diversity. Thus, the Indonesian language is expected to be a bridge for other nations to improve understanding of peoples and cultures of Indonesia. That fact has led many foreigners who are interested and interested to learn the Indonesian language as a means to achieve various goals, such as politics, economy, trade, education, arts-culture, and tourism.


Message from the Minister of Education February 2010

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all let us praise and gratitude to Allah SWT., Because of His blessings and ridlo we can all gather in this place, to attend the opening ceremony of Socialization of Gender Education Sector, Ministry of National Education, in perfect health.

National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) Years 2005-2025 mandate to us all to be serious about trying to make Indonesia an independent, progressive, just and prosperous.

During the period 2010-2014 the Ministry of National Education to create "holding of Prima Services Education to establish a Comprehensive Intelligent Insan Indonesia." To achieve this vision, Kemendiknas mission packaged with the title "Mission 5K", namely, (1) increase the availability of educational services evenly in all corners of the archipelago, (2) increase the affordability educational services by all levels of society; (3) improve the Quality / Quality and relevance of education services with social life, the industrial world, and the business world; (4) to improve education for Equality in memperolehlayanan Indonesian citizens in obtaining a quality education by taking into account the social background of cultural diversity, economics, geography, and; (5) enhance certainty / security for all Indonesian citizens a quality education. From the fifth mission, the Ministry of National Education is committed to serve the educational needs of early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education, higher education, both through formal and informal channels with values hold a trustworthy, professional, visionary, democratic, inclusive and justice.

Vision and Mission of the Ministry of Education actually has the same spirit with the Presidential Instruction No. 9 Year 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in National Development which states that the entire development process of gender mainstreaming education needs to be done with due regard to justice and gender equality dimension into every process of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all policies and programs on various areas of life and sectors development.

To reinforce the commitment of the Ministry of National Education in doing PUG Education Sector, in the year 2008 has been assigned the Ministry of National Education Regulation No.. 84 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines for the Education Sector, although the programs, mainstreaming gender in education in the Ministry of National Education has been conducted since 2003. This regulation is expected to provide direction for policy makers at central and local government and education practitioners in implementing gender mainstreaming in education.

Gender mainstreaming in education at the Ministry of National Education implemented through five main strategies, namely, (1) increasing capacity for policy makers in each major unit, (2) increasing the capacity of educational planners in preparing planning and gender responsive budgeting; (3) perform cooperation with women's studies center / gender in Higher Education in reviewing and finding gender issues in each region, (4) cooperate with the orsos, organizations, and NGOs in developing a model of gender equitable education in family and society, and (5 ) develop media Communication, Information and Education. All the above strategies lead to the realization of justice and gender equality in education which was implemented to: (1) increased access of all inhabitants of educational services in all types and channels of education, (2) increasing women's participation in any policy making, program planning, and implementation courses at all levels of the education bureaucracy, (3) enhancing the ability of men and women in managing information resources and knowledge, and (4) men and women get the same benefits of all educational programs conducted.

Conducted during the development of education has provided a very significant impact in improving the education level of the Indonesian population, followed by a decrease in disparities between groups of society. Even in terms of access, participation rates at all levels of education is equal between men and women as indicated by the gender parity index approaching 1.0. Nevertheless depth study to identify gender gaps are not only focused on achievement differences between men and women but also the gap caused by other factors such as socioeconomic status, cultural background, and geography.

Successful implementation of gender mainstreaming in education is largely determined by the commitment of policy makers, both at central and local governments (provincial / district / city) are realized in: (1) gender responsive policies; (2) human resource support as gender focal points education; (3) institutional support, and (4) budgetary support, either through the State Budget and Budgets provincial / district / city.

On this occasion, I urge support of the provincial government and district / city to jointly hand in hand and realize the vision and mission through support of national education budgets and policies, affirmative. I am sure, the realization of the vision and mission in an optimal, justice and gender equality in education will be realized.

An end to this greeting, I want to say thank you to all parties, particularly the Government of the Province of Central Java and East Nusa Tenggara and Kebumen and Kupang which already has a large commitment in doing PUG Education Sector. Through this dissemination activity I wish there was mutual understanding and agreement to mewujudnya justice and gender equality in education, either through the state budget and local budget allocations.

By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, officially Mainstreaming Gender socialization activities for the Education Sector, Ministry of National Education in 2010, I declare open.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Minister of National Education,

Sincerely Mohammad Nuh, DEA.


SMK Products Works

Vocational high school students (SMK) is now able to create works of creative and innovative industry needed and beneficial to society.

Smk work of superior products such as high-tech manufacturing and has a quality not inferior to foreign products, motorcycles, computers, CNC machines, and agricultural tools, etc..


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