Sunday, September 19, 2010

Successful education Indonesian Enhance Competitiveness

Indonesia's competitiveness at the global level to show improvement. Indonesia's ranking in The Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010 or Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) rose from 54 per 133 countries in 2009, to 44 per 139 countries in 2010.

National Education Minister Mohammad Nuh present, there are three main components of the 12 components that affect the improvement of the competitiveness of Indonesia. Components that are macroeconomic conditions, health and basic education, as well as higher education and training. "Components of education has increased and contributed significantly to improving Indonesia's competitiveness," he told reporters in Kemdiknas, Jakarta, Friday (17 / 9).

Noah explains, based on the GCI 2009-2010, scoring 4.8 on the macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia ranked 54th of 133 countries. Indonesia's position, according to GCI 2010-2011, the score increased to 5.2 and ranked 44 out of 139 states. "Macroeconomic we are good value," he said.

The components of the GCI is institutional, infrastructure, macroeconomic conditions, health and basic education, higher education and training, market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market developments, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation.

Component score of health and basic education rose from 52 to 5.8 and ranking rose from 82 to 62. While higher education and training for his score rose from 3.9 to 4.2 and its rank rose from 69th to 66th. "Education has a major contribution to boost the ranking," he said.

Minister of Education to detail, changes in Indonesia related to GCI ranking education at the basic education component is influenced by the quality of basic education from 2009 to 2010 ranked 58 on up to 55 in 2010-2011. Then, the participation of primary education from 56 to 52 ratings. As for the component of higher education and training is influenced by the higher education participation from rank 90 to 89, the quality of the education system of rating 44 to 40, the quality of math and science from 50 to 46 ranking, and internet access in schools from rank 59 to 50.

Other components that affect the increase Indonesia's competitiveness is innovation. Is ranked 39th in the 2009 to 2010 rose to 36 in 2010-2011. This component is influenced by three factors: the quality of research institutes, industrial research cooperation with universities, and the availability of scientists and engineers. Factors industry research cooperation with universities contribute to the increase in ratings from 43 to 38.


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